Saturday, August 22, 2009

Being lazy or just feeling bored???

though i have just live for about 19 years and 5 months only, but there was a feeling being more stronger in deep of my heart. especially during the secondary school times, this feeling started to get stronger..feeling like don't really have commiment on everything. everything that i did was just seems like for somehow "image' but actually didn't even put much effort on them. life was just easy-going. however, day by days, maybe because of the cruelity of society or reality, tiredness has been spreaded all over my body..this tiredness mostly was not about the stamina but somehow about the spiritual??can't really understand..just feel "lazy" to do...or maybe feeling the life is too bored???maybe...i same formulas of life processes just keep going by times...nothing new happens but to most of us...even to me sometimes, this maybe can be said as the best life already...=.=..haha....don't know what i'm trying to say...(swt)

1 comment:

::[義]:: said...

Ha? Lolz, it's all depends on us, whether you wanna make your life more lively and exciting, or you wanna make a bore life, you just like the main actor in your life, try make it to what you want, then you should be more intent to live in your life, I think...